
Md. Ilahi Hossain Shiblu
3 min readMay 7, 2021


React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. React interactive ui to create Painless Makes. Design general visions for each state in your application and React will efficiently update and render your data efficiently if it changes.

(2).Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM is a programming concept where any UI of the presentation is kept in a standard or virtual memory and react DOM Real by a library like this DOM is synced with.


JSX It means JavaScript XML. JSX Our response HTML allows writing. JSX The response HTML makes it easy to write and add.

(4).Default props

The default props are a property of the response elements that are used to set the default value for the props argument. This is changed when the props property is passed.

(5).Optimizing Performance

The response internally UI Expensive to update DOM uses several clever tactics to reduce the number of operations. A fast user interface for many applications without having to work too hard to optimize feedback, especially for performance let’s take it.

(6).proptypes repo

proptypes are used to define the type of props that we can go to a specific response element.This is the type of number string, array and other of sorts
definition and a test package that we can easily install in our feedback project to test.

(7).How a React App Works Under the Hood

(8).React Reconciliation

React is a declarative API provides that you don’t have to worry about exactly what changes each update. It makes writing applications much easier.

(9).Functional Components vs Class Components

There are two ways to write a reactive element in the react world. Uses one function and another class.

(10).props vs state

React is an object of arbitrary inputs a react function the element is taken as the first argument. State is data that varies throughout the life of a particular instance of the react element.

